14th Annual Girls Soccer College ShowcaseLebanon High SchoolNovember 10 Please complete the participant entry form below. Girl’s Soccer Entry Sport Event*GIRLS - 14th Annual Soccer College ShowcaseAthlete's First Name*Athlete's Last Name*High School*State*Select OneIndianaIllinoisKentuckyMichiganOhioGrade Level*Select OneFreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorPrimary Positions*Select OneForwardMidfielderDefenderBackGoal KeeperWingSecondary Positions*Select OneForwardMidfielderDefenderBackGoal KeeperWingJersey Size*Select OneSmallMediumLargeX-LargeXX-LargeParent's First Name*Parent's Last Name*Relation to Athlete*Select OneMotherFatherGrand ParentGuardianParent's Email* Parent's Mobile Phone Number*Mailing Address*City*State*Postal Code*Estimated G.P.A.Intended MajorAdditional InformationTerms & Conditions* I agree to the Terms & ConditionsBy submitting this participant entry form, I agree to the following terms and conditions: - This registration form is intended for entry to Indiana Elite North vs. South College Showcase. - Entry fees are non-refundable.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.